Driving Green: Tips for Electric Travel in Iceland

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Eco-friendly driving in Iceland

Iceland, a country where nature's extremes of fire and ice coexist in breathtaking harmony, is a testament to the planet's raw beauty. For those of us at Saga Car Rental, the commitment to preserving this untouched landscape goes beyond mere words; it's woven into the very fabric of our services, especially as we champion the cause of electric vehicles (EVs). Opting for an electric rental car in Iceland isn't just a nod to eco-friendly travel; it's a full embrace of it. Here are our top tips for navigating the land of the midnight sun sustainably, ensuring your journey is as kind to the Earth as it is unforgettable.

1. Plan Your Route with Charging Stations in Mind

While Iceland's network of EV charging stations is ever-expanding, planning your journey with these pit stops in mind is crucial. Use apps or maps dedicated to locating EV charging points to plot your route. This planning not only eases any range anxiety but also introduces you to some of Iceland's most picturesque rest stops—because here, even a charging break can lead to an unexpected adventure.

2. Embrace Eco-Driving Techniques

Driving an electric vehicle offers a unique opportunity to practice eco-driving techniques. Maintain steady speeds, use regenerative braking to your advantage, and avoid rapid acceleration to conserve battery power. Such habits not only extend your vehicle's range but also minimize the environmental impact of your travel, ensuring the serene Icelandic landscapes remain undisturbed.

3. Stay Informed About Your EV's Features

Familiarize yourself with your electric rental's specific features and capabilities before hitting the road. Understanding how to efficiently use the heating and cooling systems, for example, can significantly affect battery life, especially in Iceland's variable climate. Knowledge is power—battery power, in this case.

4. Pack Light and Travel Smart

The weight carried by your vehicle affects its energy consumption. By packing only what you need and keeping your load light, you enhance your EV's efficiency. This practice not only aligns with eco-friendly travel principles but also with the minimalist nature of true adventure, where less is often more.

5. Opt for Eco-Friendly Accommodations and Activities

Extend your commitment to sustainability beyond the road. Choose accommodations that share your environmental values, whether through energy conservation measures, recycling programs, or local food sourcing. Similarly, support eco-conscious tour operators and activities that aim to preserve Iceland's natural beauty.

6. Use Eco Mode, If Available

Many electric vehicles come equipped with an 'Eco' mode designed to maximize battery life by adjusting the power use of the vehicle's systems. Utilizing this feature, especially during longer drives or when navigating Iceland's more remote regions, can help ensure that you're traveling as efficiently as possible.

7. Charge During Off-Peak Hours

When possible, charge your EV during off-peak hours, typically overnight. This practice not only benefits the grid by balancing demand but may also offer cost savings, depending on the charging station's pricing structure. Plus, waking up to a fully charged vehicle means you're ready to start your day's adventure without delay.

8. Share Your Eco-Journey

Inspire others by sharing your eco-friendly travel experiences in Iceland on social media or travel blogs. Highlighting the ease and joy of exploring Iceland in an electric vehicle can encourage more travelers to consider this sustainable option, multiplying the positive environmental impact of your journey.

9. Leave No Trace

Adhering to the Leave No Trace principles is paramount, especially in a country as pristine as Iceland. Beyond driving an electric vehicle, ensure that you minimize your impact on the natural environment by disposing of waste properly, respecting wildlife, and leaving what you find.

10. Engage with the Local Community

Engaging with local communities and learning about their conservation efforts can enrich your travel experience. Support local businesses that practice sustainability, and take the opportunity to learn from the people who call this beautiful island home.